Welcome to Diploma Engineers Association, Nepal
About Us
Diploma Engineers Association Nepal Acronym (DEAN) is formed as an ordinary, technology-oriented and non-profitable organization. It was established in 1980 and registered in Kathmandu District Administration Office. Its Registration no is 33/046/47. To make Diploma Engineers capable and active in nation-building, supplement them with high morale, and protect their professional rights. DEAN represents about 25000 Diploma Engineers. It has already completed its 13th National Convention.
The infrastructure development program is one of the elements of sustainable development in this era of science and technology. It is

President's Voice
It is a matter of great pleasure for me and the Diploma Engineers Association, Nepal (DEAN) to host the SDEF convention and 14th Apex Body Meet along with SAARC regional conference on Infrastructure for Economic Development here in Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal.
Physical infrastructure is an essential prerequisite for the economic development of any economy and poverty alleviation has been the common agenda of the SAARC countries. Considering these factors, the theme for this conference has been chosen as Infrastructure for Economic Development. This conference is providing a common forum for discussing the common issues related to infrastructure development, the engineering profession and the role of engineers in economic development.
With the changing context, there has been a change in the practice of engineering, which is to be adopted by the countries in our region also but this requires a change in attitude at the policy level. I hope this type of interaction will help in exchanging and sharing ideas with each other and help develop a common understanding for the overall development of the region through continuous improvement in the engineering field and the engineers of the region. I wish for the success of the SDEF convention, Apex body meets and the conference and wish for the comfortable stay of our foreign guests in Kathmandu, Nepal.

In Case of a Grievance
Please get in touch with us via the phone number or email listed below if you have any complaints or feedback. Your provided information will be kept confidential.
Phone:977-01-5199399, 9761819426